How Your So-Called "Competitors" Can Be Your Best Friends

  1. Heidi, this is SO true! In our wedding business we’ve helped, and have been helped in return, by our closest competitors. These relationships have added literally thousands to our bottom line over the years.

    There’s more than enough love and business to go around!

    You practice what you preach. Thanks for the shout out in this post. Rock on, sista!

    • Exactly! It seems counterintuitive but I have found that reaching out to people (like you guys!) is the best thing I could possibly do for my business. I hope other people can get over the scary competitor idea and do the same!

  2. Jennifer Kennedy says:

    This post came just in time! Was thinking about this very thing today.

    I would like to reach out to a competitor — but hesitated because of course…we’re competitors. You make great points though — we have different perspectives that we bring to our site, products, personality, etc.

    I’m now going to come at it with the perspective of possibly being business BFFs. Thanks!

    • I’m glad it was useful for you Jennifer! I think even if that person isn’t in the same mindset, the act of someone like you reaching out to them can get them into that mindset. It’s just a lot of people assume that’s the way it is and there is no better way to do things. Let me know how it goes!

  3. Claire Jefferson Gilbey says:

    This is so true we would like to encourage this way of thinking!

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